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  • Театр «Bagatela»  в міжвоєнні роки (1925-1939рр.) | Історї. Простір. Час.

    Home Part 6 Bagatela Theater in the interwar years (1925-1939) When interest in cabaret gradually began to fade, director Moshkovich, looking for a way to interest the audience in modern entertainment, bet on a music and dance program. The new season in Bagateli opened on September 1, 1925 with a free family dance. Lviv residents liked the elegant entertainment. The evening program traditionally changed every few weeks. In order to encourage the audience to dance, the artistic repertoire of jazz orchestras had to be similar to the American one. So jazz bands replaced traditional sentimental waltzes... Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 7 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • Підтримка користувачів Audiostories | Audiostories

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  • Будівництво "Casino de Paris" 1909-10 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home Part 2 Opening of the variety theater "Sasino de Рарис" (March 2, 1910) During the restoration of the facade, the name of the theater "Casino de Paris" was revealed from under a layer of paint above the balcony of the second floor, as well as the name of the hotel "Belwedere" above the fourth floor, which occupied from the 3rd to the 5th th floor of the newly built tenement house and opened to visitors in February 1910. The hotel had 50 rooms, from the most elegant to the cheapest. And what is interesting, it was extremely comfortable and modernly equipped, as for Galicia at the beginning. XX century... Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 3 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en NEW RELEASE AUDIOPOETRY IRYNA STAROVOYT GRONINGEN MANUSCRIPT team videos photos partners For World Poetry Day, Audiostories presents an audio collection of poems "The Groningen Manuscript", read by the author Iryna Starovoit. We invite you to listen. ​ The sound recording in the studio took place in the fall of 2022, when Irina Starovoit and I were able to accomplish what we planned in one evening. So that today, March 21, World Poetry Day, you could hear poems from the collection, which was published in the first month of the war in 2014 by the Stary Lev publishing house. The poems were sung by the author's voice and we believe that they will resonate in a new way in the difficult year of 2023, when we all need strength and faith to fight together for the Victory of Ukraine over the Moscow occupier. At the beginning of the audio collection, you will hear three poems from outside the Groningen Manuscript collection, which were written already at the time of the full-scale invasion. "I have always been interested in listening to poets read their poems. I have always thought that poetry has a lot to do with music, that poetry is understood almost without translation if you read it carefully. Because there is emotion here , there is harmony here, there is rhythm here, there is a drive transmitted from the voice to the ear than when we look at letters printed on paper." Ir ina Starovoit video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Author: Iryna Starovoit poetess, translator, literary critic Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Audio collection of poems "Groningen Manuscript" - "... I invite you on this journey with me, a journey through mythologies, technologies, traditions. A journey that will take you through language, through different topics that have been interesting to me for the last 10+ years ". Iryna Starovoit prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Groningen Manuscript" Iryny Starovoit in the application Audiostories app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en NEW RELEASE AUDIOPOETRY Flow of time, flow of sound: HEAR SODOMORA team videos photos partners Слухай в аплікації Audiostories: For the World Poetry Day, the Audiostories team presents to you an audiopoetry with voice of the author Andrii Sodomora within the framework of a wider project: The flow of time, the flow of sound: Hear Sodomora. In this Part 1. Poetry: selected, you will hear 46 poems that the author read from the collections: "From the palm of my hand" (2019) and "A handful of minutes: images, miniatures, quatrains, thoughts " (2007). We thank Mr. Andriy Sodomory for his effort to work in front of the microphone in the studio, as well as the editor of the texts for the audio compilationDanylo Ilnytskyi and sound director Volodymyr Olshanskyi. "But the most important thing is hearing. To listen to a native word is to listen to a song, a story, to reach the very root, and not only in the grammatical sense, but also the root of thoughts, images, moods. Hearing is the closest way to the heart ("You hear, my brother ...")... "Hearing is the closest way to the heart ("You hear, my brother..."). Antiquity drew and wove its poetry from sound impressions." Andriy Sodomora video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Authors: Andriy Sodomora athor, translator Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Danylo Ilnytskyi compiler of texts, literary critic "But the most important thing is hearing. To listen to a native word is to listen to a song, a story, to reach the very root, and not only in the grammatical sense, but also the root of thoughts, images, and moods. Hearing is the closest way to the heart ("You hear, my brother..."). Antiquity drew and wove its poetry from sound impressions. The most valuable thread that connects us with the ancient Hellenes is the fine feeling for the words of the song (Marusia Churai - Ukrainian Sappho). Even the ancients claimed: the proportions between visual and auditory perception in the aesthetic sphere reflect the state of the soul, its image. Predominance of sight over hearing leads to inertness, and this in the language of the Romans - "reluctance to creativity." The same Horace, observing the feverish pulsation of life, states with a bitter smile: "All of us are driven somewhere by stubborn inactivity (strenua inertia)." This oxymoron is also a sign of our time: very often behind the most passionate activity is mental inactivity, indifference to the main thing - to the world, which is in ourselves, which is in the word. The speed and breadth of information about the surrounding world, the brightness (not in the artistic sense) of visual effects push the artistic word into the shadows: it is inferior to screen, show, virtual reality. Even in the most intimate thing that connects us not only with God, but also with our ancestors, the word of prayer, even in it we shun old words, poetic forms and phrases, we just want to "understand" - we hurry to keep up with the times. But with his first movement was the Word. In the beginning, there was the Word and each of us - song, mother or father - above the cradle. All of us - from our childhood. And when we rightly identify that childhood with a song, that is, with the Word, does the thought come to us that that homeland, even if it is not always rich and joyful ("She poured her boredom / Into her child"), but always dear and desired, - why are we losing it now?... A folk song also sounded in my village, in my parents' house. And it did not depend on food and drink - it was a state of mind, her sad or joyful voice... We really - from our song lyrics, from childhood. That word is quiet and clear. Our "Kobzar", which is next to the prayer book, also glows with silence and clarity. So we will listen to the word." Andriy Sodomora Text source: From the introduction to "Alone with the word" A. Sodomora. Publishing house "Litopis" 2022. prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: app-vyshyvanyi-en Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Hear Sodomora. Part 1" in the application Audiostories photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Програма театру-вар’єте «Сasino de Рaris» (1910-1914рр.)

    Home Part 3 Program of the variety theater "Sasino de Рарис" (1910-1914) In 1910, Lviv was the capital of the Polish Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And as befits the capital, it developed and changed very rapidly. Theaters occupied a special place in the cultural life of the residents, the vast majority of whom were Poles, Jews and Ukrainians. With a population of slightly more than 200,000 inhabitants, there were several theaters: the City Theater (a modern opera house), the Colosseum (located in the alley of Kulisha St., the building has not been preserved), the Skarbek Theater (a modern theater named after Maria Zankovetska). But in addition to large theaters, there were variety shows in the city in cafes and restaurants... Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 4 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • A Vulnerable God. Nadiyka Gerbish. 2022

    Верх сторінки team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming your donation Blaise Pascal + e exclusive: Mystical 3D audio tour "House of Spirits" by Bohdan Tykholoz DOCTOR F. Bohdan Tykholoz summer Hryhoriya        Introduction A LITTLE BOOK ABOUT GREAT FRANKO team videos partners choose a platform BUY $4.99 / UAH 200. Dear listeners! Having made a pre-orderyou get 40 min. audio books , you will hear fragments of the original music written by the composer Zoltan Almashi! And we cook for youby September 15, all 12 chapters +exclusive houraudio tour by Bohdan Tikholoz "House of Spirits" - a mystical tour of the Frank House with live 3D recording sound effects and music! And also additional photos and text materials in PDF! By pre-ordering, you support the work of our Audiostories team and the implementation of future Ukrainian audio products! Glory to Ukraine! And victory for our Armed Forces! In this audiobook, the author gives simple and honest answers to the questions of who Franko is, what makes him interesting, where did he come from and why is he important for us today. #audiostoriesua #audiobooks #podcasts #Ivan Franko #doctorf #audiopublishing Are You listening to it, aren`t you? This is just a teaser for now. To be continued. Expect a full release in the 15th of September. Bohdan Tykholoz team-overcoming Authors: Andriy Sodomora translator, writer Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen to an audiobook "Doctor F." - install application Audiostories app-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Стенд 4 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home перейти до Стенд 5 Театр водевіль «Сasino de Рaris» (1914-1919рр. )

  • Стенд 8 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home Післявоєнна та сучасна історія приміщення (1940-2024рр. )

  • Стенд 5 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home перейти до Стенд 6 Літературно-мистецький театр «Bagatela» (1920-1925рр. )

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en Hutsuls Soundscape AUDIO COLLECTION OF POEMS Vasyl Zelenchuk "Gruni and grazhdy" АУДІОПОВІСТЬ НАЧИТАНА ЗА ТЕКСТОМ ПЕРШОДРУКУ 1912 РОКУ. забутих предків team videos photos partners You are listening to the audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" in the voice of the author with his Hutsul orthoepy - Vasyl Zelenchuk, today a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Audiostories invites you to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine by purchasing this audiobook! These texts are an example of a surprisingly organic way of life of a modern poet in the continuum of the traditional culture of the Hutsul region and, in particular, the space-time of the literary environment of his native Kryvorivna with "visions and echoes" of what happened in it during its more than a century of history. The poet not only knows what, but also feels how "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" were born in Kryvorivna. In the Kryvyi Rih church, he stands in the place of Ivan Paliichuk from M. Kotsyubynskyi's story, and in the place of Ivan Mykolaichuk from S. Parajanov's film, and in his own place... He enters the barn under the cream of Igrets, contemplates the solar signs on the bastard, and Ivanchik, the restless grandfather, is already suggests the idea of "Igretska Zgarda", weaves reminiscences into the future sonnet wreath... 5,99$/250грн. "I hope that the creation of an audio version of the book of poems "Gruni and y grazhdy" will allow a wide range of listeners to touch the Hutsul text, and those who cannot read the books due to lack of free time, and those who do not have such an opportunity due to physical limitations. you listen well. Take advantage of it, spiritual." Vasyl Zelenchuk team-vyshyvanyi-en Author: Михайло Коцюбинський письменник, автор тексту "Тіни забутих предків" Януш Юхницький нараторк, актор, народний артист України Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" "... If bees seal a frame with honey and give it to people for use, this little book is also a sealed frame, where you are the lice of the great-grandfather's Hutsul conversation, even though you use new layers, but there is a lot of wark before the progress of the story." Vasyl Zelenchu prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Gruni and grazhdy" Vasyl Zelenchuk in the Audiostories application app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en LISTEN NOW AUDIOSTORIES APP AUDIOBOOK IN UKRAINIAN TIMOTHY SNYDER Vasyl Vyshyvanyi THE RED PRINCE The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke team videos photos partners PRO PROJECT The Audiostories team together with inVerita partners within the project "Voice of Ukrainian Identity: Vasyl Vyshivany" presents the audiobook "The Red Prince" by the famous American historian, professor of Yale University Timothy Snyder, dedicated to a unique figure in the history of Central and Eastern Europe - Wilhelm von Habsburg. He fought for the independence of Ukraine during the First and Second World Wars. He was beckoned by the heroic pages of Ukrainian history, the struggle of Ukrainians for statehood. Until his death behind the walls of the Lukyaniv prison in Kyiv in the summer of 1948, he did not lose hope of occupying the monarch's throne in the restored Ukrainian state. Copyright © 2008 by Timothy Snyder Copyright ℗ [2023] by Audiostories Production LLC This edition published by arrangement with Basic Books, an imprint of Perseus Books, LLC, a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc., New York, NY, USA. All rights reserved. Audiobook "The Red Prince" - we believe that this audio book will become available to our military for listening in a convenient audio format, either in the hospital or in the trenches, about the extraordinary colonel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Vasyl Vyshivany. video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Authors: Timothy Snyder author, historian Pavlo Hrytsak translation from English Olena Dzhedzhora audiobook narrator Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi implementation of an audiobook Daryna Olshanska manager Ukrainian identity - this topic is more important and relevant than ever in this difficult time for Ukrainian society during the war with the Moscow occupier. prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen audiobook "The Red Prince", - in the application Audiostories app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

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