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  • Стенд 2 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home перейти до Стенд 3 Відкриття театру вар’єте «Сasino de Рaris» (2 березня 1910р. )

  • Платон Воронько | Голоси Землі Поетів

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

  • A Vulnerable God. Nadiyka Gerbish. 2022

    Верх сторінки video-overcoming video-na-strychu team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming WITH NADIYKA HERBISH WITH NADIYKA HERBISH team videos photos partners choose a platform Dear listeners and viewers of the podcast "The Word at the Crossroads"! We thank you for your support and subscriptions to our media channels in the first season of the podcast. In this difficult year of 2022, we will start with Season 2! We are ready to continue recording audio and video episodes of the podcast, but we need your support. That is why we now have a page on Patreon and invite you to become our patrons in 2022. We believe that the "Word at the Crossroads" podcast gathers around a community of people united by interest and love for the Word of God. Команда Audiostories разом з ведучою Nadiyka Gerbish готові якісно та з творчим запалом творити подкаст для всіх вас . #audiostoriesua # аудіокниги #подкасти #Біблія #Ісус #audiopublishing "The Word at the Crossroads" The host of the podcast is a writer, expert in international law, book producer - Nadiyka Gerbish. video-overcoming video-na-strychu Theme of the season: love in time of war! Stay tuned for new episodes on social media: Audiostories Nadiyka Gerbish team-overcoming Authors: Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen to the podcast "The word on the crossroad", - install the Audiostories App app-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Контакти | Audiostories

    Audiostories App Store Download Google Play Download

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en NEW RELEASE AUDIOPOETRY IRYNA STAROVOYT GRONINGEN MANUSCRIPT team videos photos partners For World Poetry Day, Audiostories presents an audio collection of poems "The Groningen Manuscript", read by the author Iryna Starovoit. We invite you to listen. The sound recording in the studio took place in the fall of 2022, when Irina Starovoit and I were able to accomplish what we planned in one evening. So that today, March 21, World Poetry Day, you could hear poems from the collection, which was published in the first month of the war in 2014 by the Stary Lev publishing house. The poems were sung by the author's voice and we believe that they will resonate in a new way in the difficult year of 2023, when we all need strength and faith to fight together for the Victory of Ukraine over the Moscow occupier. At the beginning of the audio collection, you will hear three poems from outside the Groningen Manuscript collection, which were written already at the time of the full-scale invasion. "I have always been interested in listening to poets read their poems. I have always thought that poetry has a lot to do with music, that poetry is understood almost without translation if you read it carefully. Because there is emotion here , there is harmony here, there is rhythm here, there is a drive transmitted from the voice to the ear than when we look at letters printed on paper." Ir ina Starovoit video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Author: Iryna Starovoit poetess, translator, literary critic Діана Горбан читає з української Оксана Сікора читає з ідишу Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Audio collection of poems "Groningen Manuscript" - "... I invite you on this journey with me, a journey through mythologies, technologies, traditions. A journey that will take you through language, through different topics that have been interesting to me for the last 10+ years ". Iryna Starovoit prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Groningen Manuscript" Iryny Starovoit in the application Audiostories app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • This is Lviv, this city is mine! D. Ilnytskyi | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-pogulianka-antonych-en team-pogulianka-antonych-en prtners-pogulianka-antonych-en app-pogulianka-antonych-en photos-pogulianka-antonych-en NEW AUDIO RELEASE AUDIOWALK IN UKRAINIAN DANYLO ILNYTSKYI "This is Lviv, this city is mine!" literary walk trough Bohdan Ihor Antonych city places team videos photos partners PRO PROJECT "This is Lviv, this city is mine!": a literary walk through the places of Antonych. In 114 Bohdan-Ihor Antonych's birthdayAudiostories participated in the wonderful project of a literary walk through the places of Antonych in Lviv, which is conducted by Danylo Ilnytskyi, a literary critic and researcher of the figure of Antonych. You will hear the audio version of the live walk, and the author's poems recited by the actresses of the UCU theater "On Simon's Pillars", which was also the organizer of this event. Recitation of Antonych's poems: Diana Horban, Natalia Hudzik, Oleksandra Neborak. ROUTE: 1. "The resting heart under the winged maple" - st. Shevchenko, 128 - Yaniv cemetery. The grave of Bohdan Ihor Antonych. 2. "and the thought, sneaking out like a nymph, beats at the window" - st. Horodotska, 50 - The house where Bohdan Ihor Antonych lived. 3. "Cheers to life!" Art composition "Greetings for Life" . The square is opposite the house where Bohdan Ihor Antonych lived. 4. "Night is ringing on Yura Square" - Saint George Square. 5. "Albatross" - st. Kotlyarevsky, 39 - "Kachiny dil". 6. "Youth is proud and crazy" - str. Kotsyubinsky, 21. Academic House. 7. "No, not ink - blood is needed!" - st. 4, Hrushevskyi St., the old building of Yan Kazymir Lviv University. video-pogulianka-antonych-en team-pogulianka-antonych-en Authors: Natalya Hudzyk narrator Diana Gorban narrator Oleksandra Neborak narrator Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Danylo Ilnytskyi literary critic Audio walk "This is Lviv, this city is mine" - we sincerely believe that this journey is not the first, but not the last, attempt to immerse you in the world of Antonich, its city, streets, sounds and images. The recording was made in panoramic stereo format. prtners-pogulianka-antonych-en Project partners: Listen to an audiobook "This is Lviv, this city is mine!": a literary walk through the places of Antonych, - in the application Audiostories app-pogulianka-antonych-en photos-pogulianka-antonych-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • A Vulnerable God. Nadiyka Gerbish. 2022

    Верх сторінки video-slovo video-overcoming team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming ABOUT THE PROJECT your donation PODCAST PODCAST PODCAST PODCAST SEASON 2 5 епізодів A WORD ON THE CROSSROAD WITH NADIYKA HERBISH team videos photos partners choose a platform Dear listeners and viewers of the podcast "The Word at the Crossroads"! We thank you for your support and subscriptions to our media channels in the first season of the podcast. In this difficult year of 2022, we will start with Season 2! We are ready to continue recording audio and video episodes of the podcast, but we need your support. That is why we now have a page on Patreon and invite you to become our patrons in 2022. We believe that the "Word at the Crossroads" podcast gathers around a community of people united by interest and love for the Word of God. Команда Audiostories разом з ведучою Nadiyka Gerbish готові якісно та з творчим запалом творити подкаст для всіх вас . #audiostoriesua # аудіокниги #подкасти #Біблія #Ісус #audiopublishing video-slovo "The Word at the Crossroads" The host of the podcast is a writer, expert in international law, book producer - Nadiyka Gerbish. video-overcoming Episode 1. War and God's Love. Boris Hudziak LISTEN Episode 2. Protecting the country - culture. Oleksiy Kravchuk IN PROCESS Episode 3. The taste of life during the war. Michael Tsing (Jerusalem) LISTEN Епізод 4. Бог як укриття. Роман Соловїй. СЛУХАТИ Епізод 5. Різдвяна мова любові. Іванка Димид СЛУХАТИ Theme of the season: love in time of war! Stay tuned for new episodes on social media: Audiostories Nadiyka Gerbish team-overcoming Authors: Nadeika Gerbish writer, translator Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen to the podcast "The word on the crossroad", - install the Audiostories App app-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Стенд 1 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home перейти до Стенд 2 Будівництво театру- вар’єте «Сasino de Рaris» (1908-1909рр.)

  • Микола Вінграновський | Голоси Землі Поетів

    Home із фондів "Українського радіо" 01. В ясновельможному тумані 02. Блакитно на душі Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ... 03. Лягла зима, і білі солов'ї

  • Let's create Ivan Franko`s "Blackthorn in the foot" as modern Ukrainian Audio Drama!

    Верх сторінки episods-andruszewski app-andruszewski FROM THE EDGE OF TEARS AND BEAUTY episods-andruszewski Голос Віри Вовк СЛУХАТИ Голос Василя Рубана СЛУХАТИ Голос Миколи Вінграновського СЛУХАТИ Голос Володимира Сосюри СЛУХАТИ Голос Юрка Покальчука СЛУХАТИ Голос Вікторії Амеліної СЛУХАТИ Голос Олега Лишеги СЛУХАТИ Голос Станіслава Вишинського СЛУХАТИ Голос Василя Стуса СЛУХАТИ Голос Василя Симоненка СЛУХАТИ Голос Платона Воронька СЛУХАТИ Голос Ігора Мисяка СЛУХАТИ Голос Назара Гончара СЛУХАТИ Голос Павла Тичини СЛУХАТИ Голос Миколи Бажана СЛУХАТИ Голос Ірина Жиленко СЛУХАТИ Голос Дмитра Креміня СЛУХАТИ Голос Михайла Григоріва СЛУХАТИ Голос Івана Драча СЛУХАТИ Голос Максима Рильського СЛУХАТИ Голос Дмитра Павличка СЛУХАТИ Голос Максима Кривцова СЛУХАТИ To listen to the audionovels - install the application Audiostories app-andruszewski © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Іван Драч | Голоси Землі Поетів

    Home із фондів "Українського радіо" 01. Балада про соняшник 02. Чому ми нікчеми такі 03. Чому ти серце, все болиш частіш? Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

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