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  • Свєтий Юрій | Онуфрій Манчук

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

  • Власник театру Францішек Мошковіч (1873-23.04.1939) | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home Part 7 Theater owner Franciszek Moshkovich (1873-23.04.1939) Franciszek Davyd Moshkovich was born in Lviv in 1873 in a Jewish family. Starting as a waiter in the "Teatralna" coffee shop, he had the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural bohemia of Lviv at that time. Personal qualities, ingenuity, sharp mind and cheerful disposition helped Moshkovich to quickly take his place among the famous entrepreneurs and restaurateurs of Lviv. And already at the beginning of the 1900s, he became the owner of the large European coffee shop on the street. Jagiellonska 7 (now Hnatyuka St.), and lived in the same building for some time. And in 1907, he became a co-owner of an automobile business in Lviv. It was a kind of first taxi service that transported wealthy clients... Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 8 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • Післявоєнна та сучасна історія приміщення (1940-2020рр.) | Історії. Постір. Час.

    Home Part 8 Post-war and modern history of the premises (1940-2020) After the death of Franziska Moshkovich in 1939, the premises became the property of the Soviet authorities and was given to the Lviv State Regional Philharmonic with an orchestra, a Ukrainian choral band with a variety section and soloists. At the end of the 1940s years, the building housed the Palace of Pioneers, at the beginning of the 1950s - the House of Folk Art and the Department of Music and Theater Literature of the Ya. Galan State Regional Library. In the 1970s years, the Regional Scientific and Methodological Center of Folk Art and Cultural and Educational Work began its work in the premises. Further Read the whole text STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • A Vulnerable God. Nadiyka Gerbish. 2022

    Верх сторінки video-vrazlyvist video-overcoming team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming ABOUT THE PROJECT AUDIO PROSE AND MUSIC NADIYKA GERBISH A VULNERABLE GOD road notes of searching God in dark times. team videos photos partners "I was very young when my mother told me about that book. It was called Unloved. On the cover there was a black-and-white photo of a crying boy in ragged, dirty clothes that were too big for him. My mother retold his story. The photographer came to the family, where parents abused their children, photographed the most neglected toddler, prepared a lavish social campaign and raised huge support for the poor of the city of London. Instead, the little one in the photograph, having become an image, was left alone with the inescapable cruelty of his own hell. The photographer did not come again. Many years later, the abuse did not stop, but became more terrible. The boy survived. And grew up. Someone showed him, already an adult, that photo, told its story, and he, in turn, dared to write down his own"... video-vrazlyvist "A Vulnerable God" This is a road trip notes of searching God in dark times. Each episode is a combination of author's monologues by Nadiya Gerbish and the unique music of composer Artem Bemba. video-overcoming Episode 1. Vulnerability of Great God. LISTEN Episode 2. Unloved Christ. LISTEN Episode 3. Not-Lost . LISTEN What is love of God when war comes? Stay tuned for new episodes on social media: Audiostories Nadiyka Gerbish team-overcoming Authors: Nadeika Gerbish writer, translator Artem Bemba composer, musician Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen for free "Vulnerable God", - install application Audiostories app-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Назар Гончар | Audiostories

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

  • Ігор Римарук | Audiostories

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

  • Театр-водевіль «Сasino de Рaris» (1914-1920рр.) |Історії. простір. Час.

    Home Part 4 Vaudeville theater "Casino de Raris" (1914-1920) Theatrical life of Lviv changed a lot when in September 1914, with the beginning of the First World War, Russian troops occupied the territory of Galicia. The occupation regime imposed a ban on performances that did not pass Russian censorship. Theaters could resume their activities only after obtaining a special permit. The Sasino de Рарис theater resumed its activity two weeks after the beginning of the occupation, and on September 16, 1914, it opened as a vaudeville theater. In Lviv, it was the only theater that existed during the entire time of occupation... ​ ​ Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 5 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • Без свічьки | Онуфрій Манчук

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

  • This is Lviv, this city is mine! D. Ilnytskyi | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки team-pogulianka-antonych-en prtners-pogulianka-antonych-en app-pogulianka-antonych-en photos-pogulianka-antonych-en NEW AUDIO RELEASE AUDIOWALK IN UKRAINIAN team videos photos partners "This is Lviv, this city is mine!": a literary walk through the places of Antonych. In 114 Bohdan-Ihor Antonych's birthdayAudiostories participated in the wonderful project of a literary walk through the places of Antonych in Lviv, which is conducted by Danylo Ilnytskyi, a literary critic and researcher of the figure of Antonych. You will hear the audio version of the live walk, and the author's poems recited by the actresses of the UCU theater "On Simon's Pillars", which was also the organizer of this event. Recitation of Antonych's poems: Diana Horban, Natalia Hudzik, Oleksandra Neborak. ​ team-pogulianka-antonych-en Authors: Лабораторія джазу Дрогобич про бенд New musette Львів про бенд Тріо Наталії Лебедєвої & Борис Могилевський Київ про бенд Audio walk "This is Lviv, this city is mine" - we sincerely believe that this journey is not the first, but not the last, attempt to immerse you in the world of Antonich, its city, streets, sounds and images. The recording was made in panoramic stereo format. prtners-pogulianka-antonych-en Project partners: app-pogulianka-antonych-en Listen to an audiobook "This is Lviv, this city is mine!": a literary walk through the places of Antonych, - in the application Audiostories photos-pogulianka-antonych-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Створюємо разом "Терен у нозі" І. Франка аудіофільм з 3D звуком.

    Верх сторінки video-overcoming team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming photos-overcoming ABOUT THE PROJECT AUDIOBOOK IN UKRAINIAN YAROSLAV HRYTSAK OVERCOMING THE PAST GLOBAL HISTORY OF UKRAINE team videos photos partners "A few days ago, we started a project that we consider very interesting and important, especially during the war. This is an audio recording of Yaroslav Hrytsak 's latest book "Overcoming the Past", dedicated to a general and deep overview of Ukrainian history," says narrator Olena Dzhedhora and shares her impressions from working in the Audiostories audio publishing studio. ​ The audiobook project was made possible with the support of the members of the LvBS Alumni Book Club" Listen to the video until the end to hear a part of the recorded Section V 1914-1945. THE GREAT WAR! The printed edition was published in the Portal. Publishing and educational project in 2021, work on creating a full version of the audiobook continues. We hold the front together until Victory. Glory to Ukraine. The main goal - to make the publication available to a wide audience, especially now, when many Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes. video-overcoming Подолати минуле Play Video Play Video 02:02 Ярослав Грицак про аудіокнижку "Подолати минуле" в студії Audiostories. З початком повномасштабної війни члени Книжкового клубу UCU Business School – випускники та учасники Бізнес-школи УКУ – ініціювали вихід книги в аудіоформаті і фінансово підтримали цей проєкт. Головна мета – зробити видання доступним для широкої аудиторії, особливо зараз, коли багато українців були змушені залишити свої домівки. Слухаєте 5 год. безкоштовно аудіокнижки в аплікації Audiostories ⚡️ Над продуктом працює команда професіоналів зі студії Audiostories у Львові за участі нараторки-історикині, дружини автора Олени Джеджори, редакторки Софії Матіяш, продюсера Grumet-Olszanski Volodymyr спільно з книжковою продюсеркою видання Nadiyka Gerbish. 🛡 Частина коштів з продажу буде перерахована на благодійні організації та допомогу Збройним Силам України. ‼️ Для прихильників творчості Ярослава Грицака готується великий безоплатний фрагмент книги, присвячений подіям 1914-1945 років, який невдовзі буде викладено у мережу. #audiostoriesua #аудіокнига #ярославгрицак Play Video Play Video Аудіокнижка "Подолати минуле"/ Звукозапис. Ярослав Грицак "Overcoming the past" - rather, it is a way of perception that frees a person from long-term dependence, as well as from the trap of constantly comparing oneself, one's history with other communities and with their history. team-overcoming Authors: Yaroslav Hrytsak historian, author Olena Dzhedzhora audiobook narrator Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi implementation of an audiobook s. Sofia Matiyash editor Nadiyka Gerbish book producer Daryna Olshanska manager Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen to the free Chapter "Overcoming the past", - install Audiostories app app-overcoming photos-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Download the app | Audiostories

    Audiostories Компанія Audiostories - це ціла творча майстерня в якій поєднуються сучасні технології, мистецтво слова та голосу, музики та сучасного саунд-дизайну. ​ Купуючи Стандартну щомісячну підписку в засточунку Audiostories ви не тільки оримаєте доступ до декількох десятків наших оригінальних аудіопродуктів, алк підтримуєте створення майбутніх аудіокнижок, аудіофільмів та дукументальних продуктів, ви стаєте творцем аудіального культурного простору України, який ми всі сьогодні потребуємо. ​ Дивлячись на те, який великий попит на аудіокниги в Британії, США та Польщі розуміємо цінність аудіокниг та художніх аудіопродуктів. Ви можете творити разом з нами і стати будівничими українського аудіослова для своїх дітей та майбутніх поколінь українців у вільній та успішній країні. Stories in the sounds of space and time. Audiostories creates an audio dramas, audioserials, audiobooks and podcasts. We create Ukrainian audio products with immersive sound technologies. Audiostories is not only a mobile application where you can listen the latest Ukrainian audiobooks, podcasts and audio dramas. This is a whole creative center that combines modern technologies, the art of speech, music and modern sound design. We are first to create something new for Ukrainian listeners - these are modern audio dramas, audio serials with 3D sound technology, immersing you in the world of stories, space and time. These are films without pictures, sounds that expand your imagination to empathize with unique audio narratives and stories. Crazy adventures are waiting us ahead, to which we invite you, dear listeners. Using the Audiostories app you can: - listen to free audio content in Ukrainian anywhere and anytime; - save purchased audio dramas, podcasts and audiobooks in your Library; - a simple and functional player for listening to audio content; - the ability to broadcast audio via AirPly and Caster to other devices; - download audio files for offline listening; Audiostories Production LLC відео підписка

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en Hutsuls Soundscape AUDIO COLLECTION OF POEMS Vasyl Zelenchuk "Gruni and grazhdy" team videos photos partners 3,99$/160грн. You are listening to the audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" in the voice of the author with his Hutsul orthoepy - Vasyl Zelenchuk, today a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Audiostories invites you to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine by purchasing this audiobook! These texts are an example of a surprisingly organic way of life of a modern poet in the continuum of the traditional culture of the Hutsul region and, in particular, the space-time of the literary environment of his native Kryvorivna with "visions and echoes" of what happened in it during its more than a century of history. The poet not only knows what, but also feels how "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" were born in Kryvorivna. In the Kryvyi Rih church, he stands in the place of Ivan Paliichuk from M. Kotsyubynskyi's story, and in the place of Ivan Mykolaichuk from S. Parajanov's film, and in his own place... He enters the barn under the cream of Igrets, contemplates the solar signs on the bastard, and Ivanchik, the restless grandfather, is already suggests the idea of "Igretska Zgarda", weaves reminiscences into the future sonnet wreath... "I hope that the creation of an audio version of the book of poems "Gruni and y grazhdy" will allow a wide range of listeners to touch the Hutsul text, and those who cannot read the books due to lack of free time, and those who do not have such an opportunity due to physical limitations. you listen well. Take advantage of it, spiritual." Vasyl Zelenchuk video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Author: Vasyl Zelenchuk Hutsul poet soldier in AFU Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" "... If bees seal a frame with honey and give it to people for use, this little book is also a sealed frame, where you are the lice of the great-grandfather's Hutsul conversation, even though you use new layers, but there is a lot of wark before the progress of the story." Vasyl Zelenchu prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Gruni and grazhdy" Vasyl Zelenchuk in the Audiostories application app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

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