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  • Аудіозбірка «Пісня Пісень» 2022. Богдана Матіяш

    ABOUT THE PROJECT Song of Songs Ukrainian spring of 2022, the war in Ukraine continues and we, all Ukrainian soldiers, are waging a fierce struggle to complete victory over the invaders from russia. And here is the project that was supposed to start in the spring - this is audio poetry by the writer from Kyiv Bohdana Matiyash. Bohdanka Matiyash's poetry combined with the music of the composer and musician Artem Bemba is a project that reveals the power of the poetic word and melodies that come from the awareness of the biblical theme of the Song of Songs creators By purchasing the collection of audio poetry "Song of Songs" you will listen in your native language, and the funds will go to the needs of the army, volunteer support. The poetry of Bohdanka Matiyash combined with the music of the composer and musician Artem Bemba is a project that reveals the power of the poetic word and melodies that come from the awareness of the biblical theme. . team Bohdana Matiyash a writer Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer Artem Bemba composer, musician Bohdana Davidyuk an artist To listen to the audio collection "Song of Songs", install the Audiostories app app_pisnia in_studio Bohdana Matiyash Recording © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en prtners-vyshyvanyi-en app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en Hutsuls Soundscape AUDIO COLLECTION OF POEMS Vasyl Zelenchuk "Gruni and grazhdy" team videos photos partners You are listening to the audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" in the voice of the author with his Hutsul orthoepy - Vasyl Zelenchuk, today a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Audiostories invites you to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine by purchasing this audiobook! These texts are an example of a surprisingly organic way of life of a modern poet in the continuum of the traditional culture of the Hutsul region and, in particular, the space-time of the literary environment of his native Kryvorivna with "visions and echoes" of what happened in it during its more than a century of history. The poet not only knows what, but also feels how "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" were born in Kryvorivna. In the Kryvyi Rih church, he stands in the place of Ivan Paliichuk from M. Kotsyubynskyi's story, and in the place of Ivan Mykolaichuk from S. Parajanov's film, and in his own place... He enters the barn under the cream of Igrets, contemplates the solar signs on the bastard, and Ivanchik, the restless grandfather, is already suggests the idea of "Igretska Zgarda", weaves reminiscences into the future sonnet wreath... Підтримати Донатом "I hope that the creation of an audio version of the book of poems "Gruni and y grazhdy" will allow a wide range of listeners to touch the Hutsul text, and those who cannot read the books due to lack of free time, and those who do not have such an opportunity due to physical limitations. you listen well. Take advantage of it, spiritual." Vasyl Zelenchuk video-vyshyvanyi-en team-vyshyvanyi-en Author: Vasyl Zelenchuk Hutsul poet soldier in AFU Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Audio collection of poems "Gruni and grazhdy" "... If bees seal a frame with honey and give it to people for use, this little book is also a sealed frame, where you are the lice of the great-grandfather's Hutsul conversation, even though you use new layers, but there is a lot of wark before the progress of the story." Vasyl Zelenchu prtners-vyshyvanyi-en Project partners: Listen to the audio collection of poetry "Gruni and grazhdy" Vasyl Zelenchuk in the Audiostories application app-vyshyvanyi-en photos-vyshyvanyi-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • A Vulnerable God. Nadiyka Gerbish. 2022

    Верх сторінки video-overcoming video-na-strychu team-overcoming prtners-overcoming app-overcoming SEASON 2 PODCAST WITH NADIYKA HERBISH team videos photos partners choose a platform Dear listeners and viewers of the podcast "The Word at the Crossroads"! We thank you for your support and subscriptions to our media channels in the first season of the podcast. In this difficult year of 2022, we will start with Season 2! We are ready to continue recording audio and video episodes of the podcast, but we need your support. That is why we now have a page on Patreon and invite you to become our patrons in 2022. We believe that the "Word at the Crossroads" podcast gathers around a community of people united by interest and love for the Word of God. Команда Audiostories разом з ведучою Nadiyka Gerbish готові якісно та з творчим запалом творити подкаст для всіх вас . #audiostoriesua # аудіокниги #подкасти #Біблія #Ісус #audiopublishing "The Word at the Crossroads" The host of the podcast is a writer, expert in international law, book producer - Nadiyka Gerbish. video-overcoming Епізод 1. Соломія Чубай СЛУХАТИ Епізод 2. Наталія Половинка СЛУХАТИ Епізод 3. Олена Чернінька та Олесь Манько СЛУХАТИ Епізод 4. Соломія Чубай СЛУХАТИ Епізод 5. Христина Комісар-Цар СЛУХАТИ video-na-strychu Theme of the season: love in time of war! Stay tuned for new episodes on social media: Audiostories Nadiyka Gerbish team-overcoming Authors: Іванка Крип'якевич-Димид художниця Realization: Володимир Ольшанський продюсер, звукорежисер Дарина Ольшанська менеджерка Project partners: prtners-overcoming To listen to the podcast "The word on the crossroad", - install the Audiostories App app-overcoming © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Стенд 7 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home перейти до Стенд 8 Францішек Мошковіч (1873-23.04.1939рр. )

  • Студія аудіодрами ім. Йозефа Маєна у Львові | Audiostories

    AUDIO DRAMA Studio of n. a. Josef Mayen 90 1933-2023 аудіодрамі Йозефа Маєна років about the project AUDIO DRAMA AUDIO FILM SŁUCHOWISKO Mayen_lviv Joseph Mayen Joseph Mayen, a native of Lviv, was born on January 25, 1896 in a Jewish family in a house at 2a Zhulynskyi Street (today Akademika Filatov Street) facing Lychakivska. An outstanding director, actor, as well as one of the first theorists of audio drama, radio and literature in Poland. The creation in Lviv in 2022 of the Josef Mayen Creative Audio Drama Studio opens up new opportunities for the realization of the latest audio dramas and audio films in modern Ukraine. We pay particular attention to the contribution to world culture of famous Lviv residents, so we open up their creative output to the Ukrainian cultural space as well. Read more LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1896 - 1978 Lemberg 1915 - 1919 1921 - 1926 1932 - 1941 1944 - 1950 1953 - 1978 01/25/1896 Lviv — 01/23/1978 Warsaw He obtained his secondary school certificate in 1915 in Vienna, where he also studied at the University of Humanities and was also a student of V. Kurtz at the Vienna Conservatory. He studied stage acting with Y. Khmelinsky in Lviv. In the early twenties, he studied directing as an assistant to L. Jessner in Berlin and G. Hartung in Darmstadt. In 1917-19 he performed in the city theater in Lviv; he may have made his debut as the Poet in The Wedding, but this news could not be confirmed; played, among others, Professor Miller ("The Tsareviches"), the role of Mickiewicz ("Legions"), in the 1918/19 season as a guest at the Lviv Vaudeville Theater "Pan" ("The Extinguished Candle"). From the summer of 1919, he performed at the Polish Theater in Łódź under the auspices of F. Rykhlovsky, in the role of Arista ("Fircyk w zalotach"), the role of Lucesini ("Frederic the Great"), the role of Pułaski ("Father Marek"), the role of Yukli ("Judges"); in the 1920/21 season he played at the Górnośląski Teatrze Plebiscytowy in Bytom under the direction of H. Czepnik, where he also became a director ("Skalmirzhanky", "The Golden Calf"). In 1921, together with S. Mikhulovich, he managed the summer Health Theater in Krynytsia. By the end of the 1924/25 season (with a break to study directing in Germany), he performed and directed again (including Macbeth, 1923) at the City Theater in Łódź; in October 1923 he performed with the ensemble of S. Mikhulovich in Tarnov. In the 1924/25 season, he also became the director of the Bolshoi Theater in Lublin (including "And Pipa Dances", February 1925). In the autumn of 1925, together with S. Maikovsky, he founded the Lviv theater-cabaret "Semafor" in Lviv, was its artistic director, director and actor. The repertoire included staged poems, songs and one-act plays; the theater was highly professional and was "a real contribution to the history of conscious cultivation of Polish parody poetry, jokes and moral satire" (M. Orlych); performed in the "Bagatel" hall in Lviv and, among other places, in Stanislavov and Kraków (February 1926). After the collapse of Semaphore, Mayen quit working in the theater and devoted himself to journalism in the editorial office of the Lviv Jewish newspaper "Hvila". In 1927-34 he was a correspondent in Berlin (where he also worked with the film genre) and Paris, and from about 1932 he started working with Polish Radio as an author and then as a producer of radio plays. Since 1933, he has also been involved in the theory of Radio Theater (audio dramas) and has become an outstanding specialist in this audio genre. Since 1937, he worked at the radio station "Lviv"; he also sometimes worked as a director at the Lviv City Theater (for example, "When we were younger" based on his own script, T. Rozmaitości 1938). At the beginning of the Second World War, he was in Lviv, where he headed the Theater of Poetry and Satire and was a director at the House of Folk Art; In 1941, he moved to Vilnius, collaborated with the Polish Drama Theater.; Attempts to stage "Pygmalion" started under his leadership were interrupted by the start of the German-Soviet war. During the German occupation, he hid with his second wife in Miorakh, Belarus, as Yulian Shadzevych. During his official work at the Department of Forestry, he edited a bulletin for the local headquarters of the Home Army. In December 1944, he came to Białystok with a group of actors from Vilnius, where until August 1945 he managed the Theater together with M. Melina and M. Dovmunt in the premises of the cinema hall on Kostyushka Market. After the end of the war, he officially took the surname Mayen. In the 1945/46 season, he was a director at the Old Theater in Krakow, then he finally gave up working in the theater. He entered the diplomatic service, until 1950 he was cultural attache and secretary of the Polish embassy in Prague, then he returned to journalism as an editor at Kurier Codzienny. From September 1953, he was an employee of Polish Radio; in 1955, he was delegated to the University of Warsaw, where he lectured at the Faculty of Journalism. He retired in January 1965. He has published many works in the field of radio science, theory of audio drama and Radio Theater. The author of numerous radio dramas and also the play "Return" ("Those who return"), staged in 1946-47. ​ Source: Biographical Dictionary of the Polish Theater 1900-1980 Vol. II, PWN Warsaw 1994 Life_story Lwów Project in social networks

  • Audiobook "The Red Prince". Timothy Snyder | Audiostories

    Верх сторінки video-kruk-en team-kruk-en prtners-kruk-en app-kruk-en photos-kruk-en PRE-SALE IS OPEN AUDIOBOOK OF POETRY HALYNA KRUK BOOK WAR Book of poems 2013-2023 team videos photos partners PRO PROJECT November 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Theater named after Lesya Kurbas will present the new audio book by Halyna Kruk "BUKWAR. Book of poems 2013-2023". The conversation will be conducted by Danylo Ilnytskyi, a literary critic and member of the Audiostories team. Halyna Kruk's poetic audiobook "Bukwar" consists of poems written over the last 10 years of our dramatic reality. From disturbing premonitions, from difficult realizations of the beginning of the war, from observations and memories of those who passed and survived, from the desire to keep in memory those who died, from efforts to accept the injustice and irreparability of losses, from the need to speak for those who are no longer can say about himself, out of a desire not to forget anything, no matter how painful it may be. To rethink everything that we were taught about this world, and that did not pass the test of hard time and harsh reality, learn to compose letters and words, reading new meanings. That's what "Bukvar" is about and for. ​ “Most of the poems written after the full-scale invasion were difficult for me to read in public, because I saw tears in the audience, and I'm not sure if I could be strong enough to read them in the eyes. And the audiobook format allows you to find this way. And actually, the studio recording gave me the opportunity to voice these poems alone in the dark of the studio"... video-kruk-en team-kruk-en Authors: Halyna Kruk poetess, narrator Realization: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer, sound engineer Daryna Olshanska manager Danylo Ilnytskyi literary critic Audiobook of poetry "BOOKWAR" - the recording was made in the "Audiostories Pro" Audio Publishing House by voice of the author Halyna Kruk in Lviv. prtners-kruk-en Project partners: Listen audiobook "BOOKWAR ", - in the application Audiostories app-kruk-en photos-kruk-en © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Let's create Ivan Franko`s "Blackthorn in the foot" as modern Ukrainian Audio Drama!

    Верх сторінки episods-andruszewski video-andruszewski team-andruszewski prtners-andruszewski app-andruszewski photos-teren A U D I O N O V E L S YAN ANDRUSHEVSKY FROM THE EDGE OF TEARS AND BEAUTY listen in app team videos photos partners Клікай тут і слухай в аплікації The Audiostories team is starting an extraordinary project of audio novels based on the texts of the writer, Lviv native Yan Andrushevskyi, with the participation of producer Volodymyr Olshanskyi, narrator and actor Janusz Yukhnytskyi, and with extraordinary musical dramaturgy by composer Artem Bemba. ​ This world of Andrushevskyi, his short prose, is highly colored by the sound landscape of nature and the color of Galicia, which especially inspires the creative team. The creative process has begun... wait for interesting videos and photos from the project. Andrushevsky and the sounds of nature! We filled the audionovels with an authentic soundscape from the authors native Smolin and neighborhood. episods-andruszewski Audio novel "Their Linden" LISTEN Audio novel "Kirilo's Dream" LISTEN Audio novel "Not your own death" LISTEN Audio novel "Pine" LISTEN Play Video All Videos video-andruszewski Yan Andrushevskyi the author of short stories soon It is being prepared to print Novels Ukrainian team-andruszewski Creative team: Volodymyr Olshanskyi producer Janusz Yukhnytskyi narrator Artem Bemba composer, musician Daryna Olshanska project manager Expert consultants: Cesary Andrushevskyi a relative of the author Danylo Ilnytskyi literary consultant Andriy Pavlyshyn translater from Polish Olya Maletska UCU project coordinator Project partners: created from the financial support of the European Union, within the framework of the EIS TKS Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 Program. The Institution of Higher Education "Ukrainian Catholic University" and the Smolin Andrushevsky Foundation bear full responsibility for the content of this project; prtners-andruszewski To listen to the audionovels - install the application Audiostories app-andruszewski photos-teren © 2020-2022 by Audiostories Pro

  • Будівництво "Casino de Paris" 1909-10 | Історії. Простір. Час.

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ... Further Read the whole text LISTEN TO PART 2 STANDS Original photos, additional materials Watch

  • Install the app | Audiostories

    Audiostories App Store Download ​ Google Play Download Audiostories creates an audio dramas, audioserials, audiobooks and podcasts. We create Ukrainian audio products with immersive sound technologies. Audiostories is not only a mobile application where you can listen the latest Ukrainian audiobooks, podcasts and audio dramas. This is a whole creative center that combines modern technologies, the art of speech, music and modern sound design. We are first to create something new for Ukrainian listeners - these are modern audio dramas, audio serials with 3D sound technology, immersing you in the world of stories, space and time. These are films without pictures, sounds that expand your imagination to empathize with unique audio narratives and stories. Crazy adventures are waiting us ahead, to which we invite you, dear listeners. Using the Audiostories app you can: - listen to free audio content in Ukrainian anywhere and anytime; - save purchased audio dramas, podcasts and audiobooks in your Library; - a simple and functional player for listening to audio content; - the ability to broadcast audio via AirPly and Caster to other devices; - download audio files for offline listening; Audiostories Production LLC

  • Актори та голоси | Audiostories

    Actors We cooperate with professional actors: Ivan Dovhalyuk Actor of the National Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska Janusz Yukhnytskyi Actor of the National Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska Hope Krat Actress of the Lviv Theater "And People and Dolls" Mykola Bereza Actor of the Lviv Academician theater named after Lesya Kurbas Oleg Oneshchak Actor of the Lviv Academician theater named after Lesya Kurbas Volodymyr Gubanov Actor of the Lviv Academic Spiritual Theater "Resurrection" Sergiy Kustov Actor of the First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth Yuriy Pylypchuk Actor of the Lviv Academic Spiritual Theater "Resurrection" CREATING AN INNOVATIVE AUDIO SECTOR OF CULTURE MOST OF THE ACTORS WE WORK WITH ARE FROM Lviv. WE HAVE A GOAL - TO CREATE A NEW CENTER OF ARTISTS OF AUDIO PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE. STORIES IN THE SOUNDS OF SPACE AND TIME WE INVITE YOU TO COOPERATE IN OUR AUDIODRAMA STUDIO NAMED BY JOSEFA MAYEN HAS ACTORS READY TO GO ON THE JOURNEY OF AUDIO ART. +38 (097) 86 711 80

  • Олег Лишега | Audiostories

    Home Part 1 Construction of the "Саsino de Рaris" Lviv theater (1908-1909) The modern street of Lesia Kurbas, on which the tenement house for the future variety theater was built, was paved back in the 18th century. From the time of its foundation until 1870, the street, which is more like an alley, did not have its own unique name. It was called - "Jesuit side" or "Stanislava transversal", depending on the name of the adjacent street on one side and on the opposite side. And since 1871, the street has been named in honor of Tadeusz Reitan. During the German occupation since 1941, the street was called Reitarska ...

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